Beruang Coklat – Brown Bear


This term in Indonesian, students in the Prep classes have been studying the popular story ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?’ (Beruang Coklat, Beruang Coklat, Melihat apa?) Students are enjoying reading the story in Indonesian and using puppets to play the role of the different characters. In class they have been busy making their own version of the story which they will bring home in the next few weeks.

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Di mana domba hijau?

Students in the Prep classes have been enjoying their study of ‘Di mana domba hijau?’ (a variation of the popular story ‘Where’s the green sheep?’). Students have been focusing on learning their colours.

Here are some examples of activities Preps have been involved in:

Responding to the question ‘Di mana domba hijau?’ (Where’s the green sheep?)

Di mana domba hijau_2

Di mana domba hijau

Playing Sudah! (Bingo) with coloured sheep:

Sudah - with sheep

Making flip books with sentence ‘Di sini domba …’ (Here is the … sheep)

Making flip book - Di sini domba ...

Reading flip book 2 - di sini domba ...

Reading flip book - di sini domba ...


Pak McDonald – Prep Animal Study

Students in Year Prep have been learning the song ‘Pak McDonald Punya Ladang’ (Old McDonald had a farm) in Indonesian. They are focusing on 5 animals:

Horse – Kuda

Pig – Babi

Cow – Sapi

Chicken – Ayam

Duck – Bebek

Download an animal poster here:

Animals – Classroom poster

Listen to the song ‘Pak McDonald’: